A downloadable soundtrack

When I first saw the picture theme for this OST Composing Jam, I immediately thought of the film Spirited Away. Before composing, I imagined many stories inspired by that image. The story I settled on is about a girl who lives a harsh life and experienced a traumatic struggle that led her to create a make-believe world to find a sense of bliss.

The track "Escapism" captures the fantasy environment she builds to escape from her harsh reality. It reflects her need to shield herself from the pain of her life through imagination and dreams.

In the end, the girl learns to accept her reality, discovering hope and happiness in her real life. The track "Realism" conveys her journey from reluctance to acceptance, culminating in a sense of peace as she embraces the truth and finds joy in it.

Genre: Classical

Game: Emotional Story-driven Game

Representation: The track "Escapism" introduces the dream-like and whimsical adventure of the protagonist, while "Realism" represents the story's climax, where the protagonist comes to terms with the struggles and hidden joys of reality.

Composition: In "Escapism," I aimed for a lighthearted vibe with a catchy harmony, ensuring the piano and strings blend seamlessly to create a pleasant melody. In "Realism," I sought a more dramatic and emotional atmosphere, experimenting extensively with the strings and altering notes to enhance the soundtrack's emotional impact.

DAW: GarageBand

Inspiration: I was inspired by the soundtracks from Ghibli Studio films, such as Spirted Away.


cents808 - Escapism.wav 37 MB
cents808 - Realism.wav 35 MB

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